Full Name:
Laura Tweed
How long have you been at Networks Centre?
Just over 1 month.
What made you want to join our team?
A fantastic company and great people!
Tell us, what does a ‘normal’ day at work look like for you?
I like keeping busy, helping customers & providing a good service with some fun along the way.
What is your favourite/most rewarding part of the job?
Helping customers and sealing the deals!
What 3 words best describe Networks Centre?
Fun / supportive / rewarding
How do you ensure success for customers?
Excellent customer service, speedy replies and going above and beyond to ensure I help where I can.
How have you grown professionally while on our team?
I have learnt so much about the products we sell as well as building good relationships with customers.
What is the one accomplishment, at work, that you are most proud of? Why?
So far just building relationships with customers.
What characteristics and skills do you value in team members?
Being approachable and helpful and supporting all team members so we all work well together.
Let’s find out a bit more about Laura…
Here’s some quick-fire questions to help us learn more about the person behind the job role!
Talk us through what your perfect weekend plans would be.
Shopping, eating and sleeping!!!! And maybe a spa weekend.
What was your childhood dream job?
I always thought riding the massive lawn mowers would be fun! (Even as an adult)
If you could have an unlimited supply of one thing at the office, what would it be and why?
Blueberries!!! Lots and lots of blueberries! – Maybe some pineapple too 🙂
What is your hidden talent?
Being silly to make people laugh!
It’s “Bring your favourite animal to work day”! What animal are you bringing?
My African land snail 🙂 – Low maintenance and people can hold him.
If we gave you £5 to spend in a local corner shop, what would you buy and why?
3 x £1 scratchcards, some Haribo and biscuits – But if I had no tea and sugar I would have to buy those in place of the scratchies! To go with my biscuits.