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Keith Stewart Product Marketing Manager

Full Name:

Keith Stewart


How long have you been at Networks Centre?

6.5 years


What made you want to join our team?

Where do I begin? I have known Networks Centre from early days when I met Duncan and introduced Panduit who were looking for a fibre distributor. I had worked with James previously for many years and also highly respected him so when there was an opening I was very happy to join. My only regret is only that I didn’t join sooner! 


Tell us, what does a ‘normal’ day at work look like for you?

There is no such thing! 


What is your favourite/most rewarding part of the job?

When the Marketing team get credit for a project either individually or better still as a team when we have all contributed. 


What 3 words best describe Networks Centre?

Fun-loving, hardworking, competent


How do you ensure success for customers?

Exceeding their expectations. 


How have you grown professionally while on our team? 

Prior to Networks Centre, although I had worked with Marketing in many companies, I had never worked in Marketing. I appreciate the wide-ranging skills needed and increasing importance of marketing in a digital world. 


What is the one accomplishment, at work, that you are most proud of? Why? 

Supporting the Projects team with major client retention (e.g. RFP’s RFI’s and client meetings) 


What characteristics and skills do you value in team members?

Honesty, competence, attention to detail, creative, empathetic, communicative (written / spoken), diligence

Let's find out a bit more about Keith...

Here’s some quick-fire questions to help us learn more about the person behind the job role!


Talk us through what your perfect weekend plans would be.

Building something on Saturday, meal out with family, day out metal detecting on Sunday (and finding gold!) 


What was your childhood dream job?

Archaeologist / Egyptologist


If you could have an unlimited supply of one thing at the office, what would it be and why?

Rubber bands!

Golden Retriever

It’s “Bring your favourite animal to work day”! What animal are you bringing?

Golden Retriever (Kingsley is his name)


If we gave you £5 to spend in a local corner shop, what would you buy and why?

I’d put towards some Croissants or cupcakes to take for the office staff. 

Connect with Keith here: