Relocation: Update
3 August 2018
Back at the beginning of July, we announced our move to a much bigger and better facility. Since then, a lot has happened and we wanted to give you a brief update on our exciting journey so far.

  • Our movers moved nearly 1 million meters of cable in just 3 days
  • All of our stock has now moved from our old site to the new site, and all orders are being fulfilled by our Wiston facility.
  • We’re starting to tidy and pack up our office space, in preparation for the final move in September
  • The Networks Centre Training Academy has been temporarily moved to our main unit in Horsham, until it's brand new state-of-the-art training facility is up and ready to go. You can read more about our new training facility on our blog here.

The photos below, show the process of moving just our cable warehouse and how quickly it went from empty to full!